Vanier Social Pediatrics

Vanier Social Pediatrics


A program that allows children, youth, and families of Vanier, or who go to school in Vanier, to access the social and medical support they deserve.


The Social Pediatrics of Vanier is

The Social Pediatrics of Vanier is a warm family-friendly space with a caring team of pediatricians, nurses, and social workers who support children in reaching their full potential. Here, we empower children and youth to voice their own care needs, capitalize on their strengths, and leverage those of their families and community.

Comprehensive medical and social assessments by a multidisciplinary team.

Social and medical navigation to support the child, family, or trusted person in a care plan.

Dedicated partners in health, social action, education, law, and other fields to meet the needs of children and youth.

Resources for children, youth, and families, meeting their needs under one roof.

Programme de promotion de la santé et du mieux-être des prescriptions sociales
Program promoting health and well-being through social prescriptions

An approach guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child

All children and youth have the right to reach their full potential. The approach of community-based social pediatrics is grounded in respect for the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Scientific and medical research demonstrates that stress can hinder child development, so the team assesses the determinants of overall child health, working to ensure that all their rights are respected.

What is a social prescription?

Social prescriptions

Social prescriptions Social prescriptions are a way for healthcare professionals to identify if a person has non-medical social needs related to health and connect them with support and non-clinical services within the community by co-producing a social prescription – a non-medical prescription. Research demonstrates that children and youth benefit from social prescriptions, particularly in terms of improving mental health and physical well-being.

The social pediatrics team is very proud to have launched the first-ever social prescriptions program for youth in Canada.


A welcoming and supportive hub for new parents

Our multidisciplinary team offers several services to support parents during the period surrounding the birth of their child(ren). Here, you will find a network of professionals and fellow parents who will listen to and support you during this important stage.

Support the cause

Let’s help vulnerable children and youth of Vanier

Making a donation to social pediatrics in Vanier means bringing happiness, hope, and positive opportunities to vulnerable children and youth who deserve to fully enjoy their childhood.


Make a donation to community social pediatrics

Financial donations can help the social pediatrics team cover costs related to social prescriptions or programming.


Contribute to the social prescription bank.

Provide passes, experiences, equipment materials, gift certificates, or in-kind activities to support the mental and physical well-being of children and youth through social prescriptions.

For more information:

Contact us

We are open Monday to Friday from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM (closed between 12 PM and 1 PM).

Community social pediatrics team

Meet our dedicated and compassionate team. Together, we mobilize necessary care and support, empowering children to thrive.

  • Angeline Bernardin

    Director of the Children, Youth, and Parents' Hub

  • Renée Aird

    Clinical Coordinator of Community Social Pediatrics

  • Blondmy Rezan

    Social Work Technician

  • Nathalie Kanyamuneza

    Social Worker

  • Paola Devilma

    Nurse Practitioner

  • Julia Reese Handley

    Social Work Student

  • Pediatric Team from Montfort Hospital and CHEO

Other health services

Clinique Bien

For children aged 0-5 in Ontario who do not have a family doctor.

Perinatal support

A welcome and support point for new parents