News / Spotlight on Vanier CSC


The Vanier CSC is in the news! Consult our latest articles, interviews and videos.

Entrevue à Ottawa CTV NEWS

Prescriptions sociales: Une approche de santé


Le CSC Vanier remporte le Laurier Organisme de l'année à la 24e édition des Prix Grandmaître

The Globe and Mail

‘A prescription for fun’: How social prescribing is aiming to connect vulnerable Canadians to their communities


Locataires et propriétaires à bout de souffle en Ontario


Salaire viable : la plus importante augmentation à Ottawa, selon un rapport ontarien

Press Releases

For media inquiries

Community Journal Perspectives Vanier

The bilingual journal that informs you about news and highlights community achievements in Vanier.

Since 2003, a small army of volunteers has been distributing it to 8,000 doorsteps in Vanier. There are 10 editions of Perspectives Vanier per year.

Check out the latest digital editions:

Community Electronic Bulletin Board

Post an announcement for Vanier residents on the community electronic bulletin board located at the corner of Vanier Parkway and Montreal Road.

For more information, contact